Online Giving

Donation Center

Why give?

It is an opportunity for you to impact the lives of many. Your gift makes a tremendous difference in our ability to minister. Without the support of our friends and benefactors, we would be very limited in our work.

Your generous contributions provide the friars with the materials needed to touch the lives of thousands while keeping the Spirit of St. Francis alive all over the world.

Donate with your credit card using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! You do not need an account to donate!  (But if you have an account you can use it too!) Please be sure to click the box to share your Address with the Conventual Franciscans so that we can Acknowledge your donation (to show our gratitude, and for your tax purposes).


Choose to Support either our




Province: These donations go directly to Our Saint Joseph of Cupertino Province (legally the Conventual Franciscans of California, a tax deductible 501 (c) (3)) serving the Western United States. Donations support any need of the province, including the education of our student friars, care for our elderly.

Franciscan Vietnam Mission: These donations will be sent to assist our building the Church and Franciscan Order in North and South Vietnam. (The Mission is under the care of our Saint Joseph of Cupertino Province.)


Choose a ONE TIME Donation  

Or, Choose a RECURRING Monthly Donation

Thank You!

Would you consider Blessing Us with your Ongoing Support?

Choose a monthly subscription using the buttons below. Your credit card will be billed monthly. You may stop payments at anytime by contacting us at  or call Br. Jim at 510-582-7333.  (Note, that since you will be authorizing monthly payments, you will need to have, or after clicking the donate button below you will be asked to create, a free PayPal account. This will allow you to stop, or change the amount of, your donations at anytime if you wish.) Thank You for your support!!

Donate by mail: send check or money order to:

Conventual Franciscans of California Development Office

19697 Redwood Road

Castro Valley, CA 94546

(510) 582-7333

Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution to our non-profit organization.

Thank you for supporting the ministry of the Conventual Franciscans of California. Peace!

Contact the Development Office at:

Viva Francis Foundation:

You may also help us by contributing to the Viva Francis Foundation, a separate legal entity entirely run by a group of lay Catholics who raise funds to support the Conventual Friars in the Province of St. Joseph of Cupertino for long term capital projects both in the United States and in Vietnam at Thank You.